LLM miljøret og klimaretfærdighed
Stirling, Det Forenede Kongerige
12 up to 24 Months
Fuldtid, Deltid
Anmod om ansøgningsfrist
Sep 2025
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* For ajourførte gebyroplysninger, se venligst hjemmesiden
Hovedfokus på dette kursus er, hvordan det voksende pres på naturressourcer har foranlediget en re-evaluering af traditionelle tilgange til at tackle udfordringerne og søge muligheder, herunder at afbøde klimaændringer, standse og genoprette biodiversitet og tab af levesteder, bæredygtig udvikling og erstatte konventionelle former. af energi (olie, gas, kul), samt en søgen efter nye og vedvarende via energiomstilling.
Kurset giver både bredde og dybde af analyse af disse problemstillinger gennem en integreret tilgang til miljøret, der væver ind i begreber og teorier om bæredygtighed, retfærdighed og menneskerettigheder. Mens det er specialist, er LLM Environmental Law and Climate Justice-kurset tilgængeligt for dem uden baggrund i hverken energi- eller miljøspørgsmål eller lov og politik. Det henvender sig derfor til både jura kandidater og også dem med erfaring i beslægtede discipliner inden for samfunds- og miljøvidenskab samt inden for kunst og humaniora. Dette forstærkes af den tværfaglige udbud af moduler, der omfatter LLM-kurset.
Environmental issues are among the most pressing across the globe. Whether in relation to climate change, biodiversity loss or environmental harm, solutions are urgently needed in law to mitigate, adapt, reduce or prevent significant impacts. This LLM degree addresses these concerns and canvasses potential solutions, enabling you to develop the skills and expertise you need to make a lasting and positive impact on the planet.
On this course, you’ll gain an excellent understanding of local, national and international environmental law. It addresses the legal, economic, scientific and political challenges facing society, giving you an integrated understanding of the relevant issues that will significantly enhance your employability.
All modules are delivered through small group learning and teaching, which provides an opportunity for interaction between students and staff. This supports the development of communication skills through the discussion and presentation of key issues.
Students are taught via a mix of lectures and seminars depending on the preference of the instructor. Most classes are via small group seminars with a mix of home and international students. Guest lectures are often arranged for some modules.
Modules are assessed by a combination of coursework and examination, with the weighting varying depending on the nature of the material taught.
Course objectives
Ved slutningen af kurset har du:
- knowledge, understanding and skills at the Masters level that are appropriate for careers in law offices, government, international organisations, NGOs and business
- in-depth insights into relevant legal, political and economic issues related to energy and environmental law at the national, regional and international level
- an understanding of the dynamics of the past and current energy and environmental law, policy-making and governance, as well as likely future developments in the area
- the academic foundation for progression to PhD-level study
Climate change is increasingly regarded as the challenge of our generation – which is why environmental law and climate justice are amongst the most topical societal issues at the moment. As a result, there’s a great demand for employees who have specialised legal knowledge in environmental law.
Our graduates are also well-placed to pursue careers in:
- government and regulatory authorities;
- international bodies;
- non-governmental organisations and charities;
- pressure groups, including those from the energy and environmental sectors.