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Loyola Law School Master of Laws (LLM) - Bar Track
Loyola Law School

Master of Laws (LLM) - Bar Track

Los Angeles, USA

1 Years



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USD 58.470 / per year

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Academic Advising with LLM Director

Students will have one-on-one counseling with our LLM Director to design a course of study that will maximize their chances of passing the Bar exam. During the first and second semester, students will meet individually to discuss their academic and professional goals. During this time, the Faculty Advisor will select a schedule that will not only prepare student’s prepare for the Bar exam but will also allow the opportunity to take one or two courses of interest.

LLM Bar Exam Workshops

Loyola’s Law Professor, an experts in Bar preparation, will offer workshops on the Bar exam. These workshops will begin with a comprehensive overview of the California Bar exam followed by an introduction to essay writing. The overview will also include preliminary information regarding the New York Bar Exam. Students will focus on the Performance Test examination. These workshops will include an overview of the performance test, including samples of different performance tests, and conclude with simulating a Performance Test.

  • The essay skills will include reinforcement of IRAC, issue spotting and outlining, creating and applying writing approaches, time management strategies and essay writing. Students will be taught how to recognize and analyze fact patterns and how to write essay answers within time constraints.
  • The performance test skills will include creating a well-organized performance test answer outline, learning how to utilize the outline to write a well-analyzed answer, time management strategies and performance test writing. Students will be taught how to recognize and analyze different types of performance tests and how to write performance test answers within time constraints.

Essentials of Bar Writing Course

Loyola’s Bar writing course specifically designed for foreign-educated students. The bar writing course will focus on specific essay writing approaches, outlining and issue spotting techniques, time management strategies and essay writing using actual Bar exam essays. Essays will be reviewed in class and submitted for grading. This course will also serve as a refresher to subjects taken in the first semester.


Mange af vores internationale studerende er interesserede i at tilmelde sig vores LLM-program for at blive berettiget til at tage Claifornia eller New York Bar Exam. Advokatberettigelse afhænger af, om en studerende allerede har licens til en praksis i sit eget land og skifter fra Californien og New York. Studerende bør designe læseplanen for deres LLM på Loyola for at opfylde de specifikke krav til den advokateksamen, de er interesseret i at tage.

Bar Exam Application Process and Foreign Legal Education Requirements

In the United States, each state has different rules regarding Bar exam eligibility for foreign-educated students and application deadlines. We encourage students to carefully review the rules of the state where you intend to sit for the Bar exam.

Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om advokatberettigelse, om du skal tage advokateksamenen, hvilken advokateksamen skal du tage og meget mere, så planlæg et Skype-opkald med vores fakultetsdirektør, professor Aaron Ghirardelli. Professor Ghirardelli er selv uddannet LLM, og han har licens i Californien, New York og Italien.


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English Language Requirements

Certifikat dine engelskkundskaber med Duolingo English Test! DET er en praktisk, hurtig og overkommelig online engelsk test, der accepteres af over 4.000 universiteter (som denne) rundt om i verden.

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